Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Koenigsberger Klopse (Prussian Meatballs)

Another dish my mom often made when we were young -- Koenigsberger Klopse. As the name reveals, it is a regional dish from Berlin or Prussian.

Meatballs ("Klopse"):
1 lb mixed ground beef
1 1-day old roll or 1 cp bread crumbs
1 small onion
⅓ cup capers
1 cp low-sodium chicken stock
1 tbs capers water
salt, pepper

1 tsp flour
1 tsp butter
salt water (from cooking meatballs)
½ cp capers

Mix meatballs with all ingredients. Form small meatballs, and cook in chicken broth (slightly covering the meatballs) for 15 minutes.

In skillet, heat and brown butter. Add flour, make a rue, and add 1/2 of the reserved cooking water. Add capers with caper liquid. Stir until sauce thickens. Add meatballs.

Serve with steamed potatoes.

Guten Appetit!